Well, Monday the boys saw the Dr. for the first time. They did great............ until it was time for shots. We have no medical records on them and so we are starting the immunization process on them from the beginning. YUCK! I really hate this part, seeing your baby cry and knowing it is necessary. I guess that is how it is in life too, hard times come and are necessary to make the person, but so not fun. They screamed and cried so furiously. Afterward they sat on my lap and had a sucker. Sitting on my lap was good comfort too. I am glad for that. The rest of the day and the next day they both wanted mommy to hold them and pick them up. So, there is one good thing about shots!!!! *BIG* boys wanting their Mommy. They each had bad dreams too and needed comforting. And welcomed it.
The most interesting development is the age of our boys. I have mentioned this earlier, but will again. The first dates for birth we were given were Kedus Dec. 2004 and Nate Aug. 2004. This would make them 3 and 4, Kedus is clearly older so that is not accurate. Their birth certificates say Kedus May 2005 and Nate Nov. 2005. This would make them 3 and 2, Nate is obviously NOT 2. From my playing with them purposfully to see what they can do according to growth and development charts and such... I figured that Nate was about 3 or 3.5 and Kedus was 3.5 and I have been suspecting that he is 4 from what he can do. But, he is sooo small for 4. Well, that was one of the main questions for our Dr. She asked a bunch of questions, which I knew the answers to because I have been "testing" them on things. She observed them and had them do all sorts of things and of course examined them. She went out to think about it. Then came back and said she would give her best guess as to their ages as Kedus at 4.5 and Nate at 3.5. OK we know another boy who is about Nate's size who is really sort of small for his age and he is 3 and will be 4 this month. But, Kedus... I have never heard of a child who is 4 and a half who is this small!!! I hope he grows fast! This could put them in different grades at school which may be a good thing. Sooo, we are considering what to do about this. We have the opportunity to make their birthdays as accurate as possible with the readoption in the state of Colorado. But, what is best for them here?
Lately I have been telling them that I am their Mommy using the Amharic word for Mommy. They are not sure this is true, I can tell by their facial expressions. But, tonight after I told them that they would not kiss me. They usually do this ok. Then they had a moment to think about it and then were happy to give kiss and hug and even smiles as I tucked them in to bed. We thought this may help them to transition. I think it is already. It is important to feel the hard or sad feelings. Even though they can not really understand me totally yet, I have been telling each of them their basic story and reassuring them of their permenance here and our love, safety and trustworthyness. All important things. Eventually they will understand me and this will be part of their routine and accepted knowledge. I finally ordered the photos of Ethiopia for their room. They have a magnatized wall area with frames. In the frames will go photos of friends and loved ones and our family. They can take them down when they want to. They really like looking at them on the computer and naming people. That is fun. There is a lot of feeling there too. I am watching for it to come out in their own unique ways.
These are truly sweet little boys. Eager to please and to help. Willing to be Mommy's "big boy baby" and Daddy's buddy. Happy to be a little brother to Phoebe and Olivia. They copy us in English a lot these days, but it is still early and they have eachother to talk to so they do not have the huge need to learn. All in all things are going well.